القائمة الرئيسية


 Etisalat customer service now provides a customer service number in Egypt in order to provide assistance from Etisalat Misr through the number that can be contacted and communicated through customer service representatives to talk about any problem by calling the Etisalat customer service numbers from any land line or Any mobile inside Egypt, UAE, Morocco or outside Egypt.


Etisalat customer service numbers

Etisalat customer service number from the etisalat line. Call the hotline at 333 from the mobile phone. The price of the call is 50 piasters, no matter how long the period is, it is unlimited, and you can choose the Arabic or English language. Customer service numbers: Contacts from abroad on the number 201111234333 at the price of a minute roaming through the voice service.
Etisalat customer service number from a mobile network, phone or any line by calling 01111234333 The call price is 50 piasters per call.
To speak to Etisalat customer service, call from a landline on 0235346333 at the regular minute rate.

Speak and contact the technical support for telecom customer service and communicate through the official website to obtain all the services and complaints of the Internet that you face or relate to from the company, and someone will answer you with the support dedicated to the customer service of Etisalat Misr for free in a short time.
Etisalat customer service

Etisalat adsl landline customer service numbers

A customer service number to contact the land line from the Etisalat line, call 777.

The following number is another number to call 0235346377 Customer Service Etisalat adsl from the land line.

The special number for calling and communicating from any mobile to call internationally, the customer service of terrestrial internet customers from abroad, with the number +201111234777.

Etisalat Cash Complaint Numbers

Call and talk to the customer number, follow-up number 778, Etisalat Cash service.

And many of us access Etisalat customer service to inquire about home internet packages and offers
