القائمة الرئيسية


 It has now become one of the most searched numbers in Google. Search for Wei customer service numbers and Vodafone network numbers or the way to communicate with Wei customer service from the company and there are several ways you can communicate with the We customer service team through mobile numbers or by landline numbers or Through the private chat service, which has become the best and easiest way to communicate with customer service, which was before that recently, Telecom Egypt. This happens due to the high demand of people to install the land line and obtain home data internet services and services to call the land line for all governorates inside Egypt.

Knowing our mobile and landline customer service numbers

You can call and reach Wei customer service now through the following numbers from any Etisalat phone number, landline number, or from any mobile network:

The Egyptian company customer service number. For technical support, you can call from the landline or from the mobile phone, the hotline number is 111

 Wei customer service number, call from any mobile for technical support and the Internet 01555000111

Wei customer service number from any land line only to the Internet 19777

 To communicate with the chat service from any site you have around the world for free for the te service, or it was called tedata, come on, one of the TE Data companies. You can now be affiliated with the company through their official website and access to solve your problems
Complaints about all malfunctions can also be submitted via Customer.care@te.eg
